Author name: webmaster

Exhibition coming to the Tallinn TV Tower starting April 18th 2024!

Visitors of the famous Tallinn TV Tower in Estonia will soon be able to enjoy the exhibition “Eiffel – Higher and Higer”. It will open at the tower on April 18th, with translations in Estonian, English and Finnish. Tallinn TV Tower features Northern Europe’s highest open viewing platform, at 170m, with the top of its spire reaching …

Exhibition coming to the Tallinn TV Tower starting April 18th 2024! Read More »

French public broadcaster France 2 highlights “Eiffel – Higher and higher”!

Presentation of the exhibition during the interview on “Télé Matin” On the day of the centenary of Gustave Eiffel’s death, December 27th 2023, France 2 highlighted the exhibition Eiffel – Higher and Higher on two of its most popular programs: on the morning show “Télé Matin”, during which Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, our curator, was the guest …

French public broadcaster France 2 highlights “Eiffel – Higher and higher”! Read More »

RFI news report on the exhibition “Higher and Higher”

Radio France International aired a news report on the exhibition. Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, its curator, answered the questions of Dhananjay Khadilkar, explaining his intentions as well as why the year 2023 was so special for Gustave Eiffel’s descendants.

“Eiffel, the Towers’ War”, directed by the curator of the exhibition, airing on ARTE!

Based on the same in depth research carried out by Savin Yeatman-Eiffel for our exhibition, the 90-minute  documentary “Eiffel, la Guerre des Tours” (Eiffel, the Towers’ war), which he directed in collaboration with Mathieu Schwartz, will air Saturday November 18th 2023 at 20H50 on the Franco-German channel ARTE  (and is also available on French …

“Eiffel, the Towers’ War”, directed by the curator of the exhibition, airing on ARTE! Read More »

Exhibition curator interviewed in Historia magazine’s Gustave Eiffel special issue

In an interview with  Historia magazine, Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, curator of the exhibition  Eiffel – Higher and higher, talks  about the various events organized for the centenary of the great engineer’s death with the Association of the Descendants of Gustave Eiffel, the main event of which is his exhibition at the esplanade of the Eiffel Tower. …

Exhibition curator interviewed in Historia magazine’s Gustave Eiffel special issue Read More »

Main Parisian websites write about the exhibition! (October update)

The main Parisian websites dedicated to culture and leisure all posted articles on the Exhibition Eiffel – Toujours plus haut (Eiffel – Higher and higher): (article in English) As well as, of course, the official Eiffel Tower website itself: (article in English)

“Eiffel – Higher and higher” lecture at the prestigious Sorbonne University

On October 26th, Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, curator of the Exhibition Eiffel – Higher and higher, presented his work on Gustave Eiffel and on the major esthetic and industrial turning point the construction of his tower represented at the end of the 19th century, to Master 2 students in Art and Management and Plastic Arts. The lecture, …

“Eiffel – Higher and higher” lecture at the prestigious Sorbonne University Read More »

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